My faith is built on an intimate relationship with God not a religion. I have God’s presence with me in every situation I faced in life. I believe God has given me the spiritual authority to overcome the enemies. I have faith in what God is saying and put them into actions. All His promises found in the Bible are true in my life, and my life is full of meaning and purpose.
My church is my spiritual family, not just a place of worship. People in church are my brothers and sisters whose relationship lasts for eternity under the bond of Jesus Christ. I long to look for the interest of others more than my own preferences. I work towards restoring every relationship with people in the church through the love of Jesus Christ. |
I recognize God has honoured me with His lavish grace even though I am not perfect. In return, I honour everyone in this church as how God would have honoured them too. I do not despise the younger, weaker or those who are different from me. In addition, I give my honour to those who lead and minister in the church even though they are not perfect. |
I am empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve along with the leaders and pastors in this church. God has given me spiritual gifts to serve in the unique positions that He has placed me. My roles are to discover them and exercise all gifting for the greatest impact of the Kingdom of God. I play a significant role to fulfil the Great Commission in my life.
I do not know everything. I am always in the humble posture of learning. Godly advices and corrections are welcomed with gratitude in order for me to be more Christ-like. I carried out the responsibilities given with the best of my abilities and within the set boundary. I have no issue to submit to God’s appointed authority. Feedbacks and evaluations are received with an open heart for my growth. |
I am faithful to God the Creator and committed to the Spiritual family that He places me. I am passionate to obey everything in His Word and faithful to my responsibilities. My life is always available to become the vessel to bring Him glory.